Your MET Staff | Thursday, July 10, 2014 |
July 1st, the new requirements under the International Convention
for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) went into full effect. Adopted in 2012, these amendments were
created as part of the IMO’s efforts on large passenger ship safety, and they
are designed to ensure that all vessels can be used as rescue assets – with the
proper equipment to rescue persons from the water and/or survival craft in the
event of an accident.
in the amendments are:
- Recovery of Persons from the Water
- Reducing On-Board Noise
- Fire-Fighter Communication
- Drills and On-Board Training
- Protection of Vehicle
- Forms of Certificates and Equipment
- Container Convention
Recovery of persons from the water
purpose of this requirement is to strengthen safety at sea and support rescue
coordinators in a wide variety of rescue operations. A vessel’s plans must take into account all
related guidelines for creating plans for the recovery of persons from the
built prior to July 1, 2014 must comply with the requirement by or before the
first periodical or renewal safety equipment survey of the ship following July
1st. For ships to which SOLAS
does not apply, implementation of the amendments is encouraged under the MSC Resolution,
which was also adopted in 2012. This resolution
invites SOLAS Contracting Governments to decide how far the SOLAS requirements
should apply.
For mariners, the IMO has issued “A Pocket
Guide to Recovery Techniques.” (See page 46 of the linked document.)
Reducing on-board noise
regulation requires new vessels to be constructed for noise reduction, and to
protect those on-board from noise. The
requirement is in accordance with the new code on vessel noise levels, which
establishes mandatory maximum level limits for control rooms, machinery spaces,
workshops, accommodations, etc.
Fire-fighter communication
amendment requires a minimum of two, two-way portable radio apparatus for each
fire party for fire-fighters’ communication to be transmitted. The apparatus must be explosion-proof or
intrinsically safe. Vessels that were
constructed before July 1, 2014 must comply with this requirement by July 1,
On-board training and drills
training and drills now require an on-board method for recharging the breathing
apparatus cylinders used for such drills, or otherwise a reasonable quantity of
spare cylinders.
Protection of vehicle
of vehicle, special category and ro-ro spaces relate to fixed
fire-extinguishing systems. Ships
constructed before July 1, 2014 may comply with the previous requirements.
Forms of certificates and equipment records
to the appendix to the SOLAS Convention replace all previous forms of records
of equipment and certificates, including the 1988 Protocol and the 1978
Container convention
to the Convention for Safe Containers (CSC), 1972, were adopted in 2013 to facilitate
the entry into force of the amendments to the CSC Convention adopted in
1993. The amendments introduce a
transitional timeframe for marking containers with restricted stacking
capability, and also include a list of deficiencies that don’t require an
immediate out-of-service decision, but DO require further safety measures to
ensure safe transport.
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Information You Need
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