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Daily Workboat Deck Logbk 313

Item #: BK-126
Price: $27.97
  • 31-day coverage
  • triplicate
  • designed for crewboats, utility boats, and offshore supply boats although it is adaptable to other types of commercial vessels
  • 14"x8½"


BK-126 DAILY WORKBOAT DECK LOGBOOK—TYPE 313. Published by MET. 31-day coverage 3 part. Two parts are detachable while the original copy remains in the book. This logbook was designed for crewboats, utility boats, and offshore supply boats although it is adaptable to other types of commercial vessels. It is a three-part form with a white original copy and yellow and pink perforated duplicate and triplicate copies. The final snap-out size is smaller than 8½" x 14" and can be easily reproduced on office copying machines. [Note: Request a copy of the complete instructions on how to use this logbook available in MET Information Bulletin "LOG-3."]

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