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The Cost of Obtaining and Maintaining a Merchant Mariner Credential Endorsement

by on Wednesday, January 29, 2014
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The U.S. Coast Guard’s National Maritime Center (NMC) issues the merchant mariner credential (MMC) under Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 10. The MMC serves as a means to collect a maritime employee’s various licenses and endorsements into one document.The NMC has established a cost structure in association with issuing licenses, endorsements and other credentials. The timeline for payment of certain fees is as follows: issuance fee – prior to receipt of MMC; evaluation fee – at the...

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An Overview of the U.S. Merchant Mariner Credential

by on Wednesday, January 15, 2014
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The U.S. Coast Guard’s National Maritime Center strives to provide qualified Mariners with an efficient system in which to earn a U.S. merchant mariner credential. It does with the purpose of providing a secure and well-operated Marine Transportation System.Guidelines for the merchant mariner credential are included in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 46, Part 10. Below is an overview of some of the most pertinent aspects of the merchant mariner credential (MMC). The Goal of...

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Requirements for Getting a Boat Captain License

by on Tuesday, January 14, 2014
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Individuals who seek a U.S. Coast Guard-issued boat captain’s license must meet certain requirements in terms of training, experience and citizenship. Likewise, requirements will vary depending on the type of license sought. There are a number of professional and financial advantages to earning a boat captain’s license. This includes the ability to apply for higher-paying positions and additional opportunities for generating income.Overview of Various Types of U.S. Coast Guard-Issued...

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