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Garbage Record Book US & INTL

Item #: BK-0326-1
Price: $29.97
  • 60pg.
  • 8½" x 11"
  • complies with revised MARPOL 73/78, ANNEX V as amended by Resolution MEPC.201(62) & 33 CFR Part 151
  • entries for 60 days
  • for "manned oceango­ing ship" 40+ feet in length engaged in commerce and either document­ed or using state registration numbers to maintain a written refuse record book.
  • does not apply to recreational ves­sels or public vessels.


Published by MET. 2012. 60p. 8½" x 11".This logbook complies with revised MARPOL 73/78, ANNEX V as amended by Resolution MEPC.201(62) effective January 1, 2013. This logbook also complies with U.S. Coast Guard Garbage Pollution Regulations in 33 CFR Part 151 that were in effect on September 18, 2012. The reporting form on numbered pages 1 through 60 inclusive is the form specified by MEPC.201(62) that, with minor modifications, mirrors the form previously used.

The logbook has enough entries for 60 days and contains an introduction on how to use the Garbage Record Book.

33 CFR 151.55 requires each "manned oceango­ing ship" 40+ feet in length engaged in commerce and either document­ed or using state registration numbers to maintain a written refuse record book. However, this does not apply to recreational ves­sels or public vessels. The Garbage Record Book contains complete in­struc­tions, a list of garbage pollution regulations, a series of informa­tive Q&A, and 60 reporting pages.

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